
full name: Elias Zane Montesino

age: 16

birthday: October 21st

hair color: dark brown, almost black

eye color: dark brown with flecks of gold

former school: Castelobruxo

reason for expulsion: repeatedly getting into fights, and killing three students. 

race: 47% human/wizard, 53% Veela

skills: Herbology, Magizoology, and Potions. 

flaws: He can get full of himself sometimes, and isn't the best at social interaction.

fears: Getting attatched, himself, and the memories of his past.

background: Due to being raised in an abusive household, Elias didn't know much but violence. After being expelled, he quietly packed his stuff and left home with no word. He then went to Hogwarts to finish wizarding school, and is fond of the school at the moment.
